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OpenAPI Snap Pack

OpenAPI Snap Pack allows you to efficiently integrate any endpoint that adheres to the OpenAPI specification without the need for custom connectors.

Key Features of the OpenAPI Snap Pack

OpenAPI Snap Pack allows you to efficiently integrate any endpoint that adheres to the OpenAPI specification without the need for custom connectors.

OpenAPI Snap Pack allows you to work with any generic endpoint that adheres to the OpenAPI standards but does not have pre-built connectors. OpenAPI Snap Pack is compatible with OpenAPI Standards 2.0 and 3.0. With this Snap Pack, you can be more efficient when working with compatible endpoints because you can get schema suggestions and more easily prepare requests and process responses. With GET or PUT operations you can accomplish a wide number of tasks based on endpoint configurations. 

With this Snap Pack, you can 

  • Download and process the OpenAPI specification
  • Provide input schema suggestions for a given base path and operation
  • Prepare and execute HTTP requests and process HTTP responses. 

OpenAPI Snap Pack has a single OpenAPI Snap which is a transform type Snap. 

To learn more, please check out the documentation.